Dr. Sally Shaywitz Quoted in Award-Winning Parenting Magazine

By Holly Pevzner (Scholastic Parent and Child)
February/March 2015

In an article, “When Reading isn’t Easy” in the February/March 2015 issue of Scholastic Parent & Child, YCDC Co-Director Dr. Sally Shaywitz is quoted describing the high prevalence of dyslexia (1 out of 5 students) in a typical classroom, noting how dyslexia accounts for the vast percentage of students with learning disabilities, and the importance of selecting evidence-based reading interventions, so that “parents must demand ‘Show me the evidence’ before allowing their child to be taught by a (reading) program.”

We are proud to share that the article’s Resources for Parents notes that “The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity (dyslexia.yale.edu) is packed with the latest information about the condition; you can also pick up Dr. Shaywitz’s book ‘Overcoming Dyslexia’ which has become a top resource for parents and teachers.”

Read the entire article here.

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