Rep. Cassidy presents “Resolution on Dyslexia” to House
Co-Sponsors Signed on!
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We have learned that the best use of your energy is to call your representative’s office.
Tell them to please co-sponsor H.Res. 456 (House Resolution on Dyslexia).
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To Members of the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity Community:
We are at a very special time for all those who care about dyslexia and a child (or an adult) who is dyslexic — and it is a time that demands our action. A Resolution on Dyslexia presented to Congress by Representative Bill Cassidy represents the breakthrough that we have all been waiting and hoping for. This well thought-out resolution breathes fresh air and energy and yes, joy, into our mission to have dyslexia recognized so that the millions of deserving boys and girls, men and woman who are dyslexic can be diagnosed and receive the evidence-based services they deserve and require. This is a time that calls for action — your action — to make sure that this Resolution becomes a reality. Yes, dreams can come true. Please act — find your rep here.
Sally Shaywitz, MD Bennett Shaywitz, MD
p.s. If you’re not sure what to say, click here to see a sample letter.
The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity congratulates Rep. Bill Cassidy for the House Resolution on Dyslexia (H.Res. 456, 113th Congress), at long last, recognizing that dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty that has profound educational implications.
Rep. Cassidy’s resolution represents a giant step forward for everyone and anyone who cares about dyslexia — parents, teachers, dyslexic children and adults. Science has progressed in bringing understanding and clarity to dyslexia. This Resolution now calls for educators and testing agencies to catch up and put this powerful knowledge to work so that affected children and their families, and our entire nation may benefit. For too long, parents have had to endure watching their child struggle, often year after year, with every sign of dyslexia, with (if they could afford it) reports confirming the diagnosis, only to be denied recognition and services. Children confused, thinking they are not capable, lose self-esteem and give up on themselves and their futures.
Rep. Cassidy’s Resolution recognizes each major element of dyslexia, its: high prevalence (1 in 5); cognitive and neurobiological bases; unexpected nature; persistence; and critically, its profound impact on education and the critical need for action by schools. Dyslexia impacts your child’s education and can be properly and successfully addressed by schools. There is no excuse not to, our children and our nation’s futures are at stake. Schools must take their heads out of the ground and look up — to science and morality — and move forward.

Urgent! Your support needed now!
H.Res. 456, “Resolution on Dyslexia” presented by Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) needs the support of at least 100 U.S. Congress members to bring it to a vote in the House Education and the Workforce committee.
Please contact your representative and tell him or her to sign on to the Resolution on Dyslexia, now!
Find your rep — click here!
Not sure what to write? See our sample letter — Click here.
Remember — even if you don’t hear back from your representative, your voice still counts! Every letter on an issue is counted by staff and reported to your rep!
Rep. Cassidy gets it; the Bipartisan Dyslexia Caucus which he co-founded was a major step forward and now the Dyslexia Resolution brings light and understanding and we hope action to ensuring that children who are dyslexic receive the understanding and evidence-based programs and accommodations that they deserve and require. We urge all who care to contact your Congressional representative and urge him or her to support this resolution. Please act now — You can make a difference!
Click here to download a PDF of the resolution.