Dyslexic Kids & Adults
So you’re dyslexic. You know what that means in your daily life—reading is a slog, words don’t always come easily, and your mind is often several paces ahead of your ability to articulate what you’re thinking. You’re also unlikely to win your school’s spelling bee.
But you should also know this: You’re not stupid. Dyslexia has nothing to do with intelligence. In fact, it is defined as an unexpected difficulty in reading in relation to a person’s higher level of intelligence. Often dyslexics are the ones to solve the problem because they don’t think like everyone else.
You have every potential to succeed in life. If you need some inspiration, just check out the Successful Dyslexics section on this website.
In this section of the website, you’ll get practical tips about accommodations and resources that will allow you to show what you’re capable of; you’ll learn from others about their strategies for managing and overcoming dyslexia; and you’ll see why a dyslexia diagnosis has the potential to open up, rather than stifle, opportunity.

How Extended Time Improved More than Just Test Scores
Allison at her graduation from Columbia University, where she earned her master's degree. Learning is not a game with set rules. You can take any path you want to get to the finish line. This nightmare might sound familiar to you: You walk into an exam. You sit down. You stare at the sheets of paper in front of you as you listen to people scribble answers to questions that you yourself have no idea how to answer. You can hear the clock ticking away. When it seems like an eternity has passed, the teacher calls time. You hand in a piece of paper that may not be completely blank, but might as well be. The ..
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A Supportive School Made All the Difference
Dylan in school, getting help from Katherine (Perr..
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How My Diagnosis Improved my College Experience
My diagnosis marked the first step along my path t..
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Tips From Students
Strategies from the real experts—dyslexic kids with papers due, tests next week and books to read.
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On Being Dyslexic
Sometimes very smart people have great difficulty reading because they have dyslexia. Learn why, how and what it means for you.
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College Planning
For dyslexic students, navigating college is a very different experience than high school. You need to actively seek out support services and identify yourself as dyslexic.
Read MoreLearning is not a game with set rules. You can take any path you want to get to the finish line
When it Gets Better
At The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity’s Multicultural Dyslexia Awareness Initiative event in New Haven, Conn., our student panel shared advice for other dyslexic students.
More Videos HereDyslexic Kids & Adults
- Tips From Students
- On Being Dyslexic
- College Planning
- Reading
Stories from Dyslexics
- What I Know Now
- One Dyslexic’s Experience with Learning American Sign Language
- How Extended Time Improved More than Just Test Scores
- Giving Voice to a Young Person’s Dyslexia Journey
- Life Lessons from a Lifelong Learner
- A Supportive School Made All the Difference
- My Dyslexia Diagnosis
- Learning to Learn
- How My Diagnosis Improved my College Experience
- Gloria Clark
- Joseph Harris
- Izer Martinez
- Student Panelists Speak Out
- Dyslexic Students Speak Out
- Creative Kids