What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in learning to read. Dyslexia takes away an individual’s ability to read quickly and automatically, and to retrieve spoken words easily, but it does not dampen one’s creativity and ingenuity.

See What Learners are Saying About Overcoming Dyslexia on Coursera!
About the Course: Dyslexia is everywhere, touching so many children and adults, and while science has made extraordinary progress in understanding and clarifying the condition, this incredibly powerful knowledge rarely reaches those who most need to know and would greatly benefit from it. We aim to change all this with the Coursera you are about to view, produced by Dr. Sally Shaywitz, the Audrey G. Ratner Professor in Learning Development, both the leading scientist studying dyslexia and the most devoted advocate for helping those who are dyslexic. The course addresses and answers just about all the qu..
In Memory of Harry Belafonte
A truly brilliant, deeply caring and beloved man died this week – Harry Belafonte. One cannot read a newspaper, turn on the television or pick up a magazine without reading about Harry and all the wonderful things, both public and private he has done to make the world a better place for us all to live in.
READ MORECoursera: Exciting New Online Dyslexia Course
A very exciting announcement that positively impacts children with dyslexia, their parents and their teachers is the Dyslexia course taught by Sally Shaywitz on the online Coursera website. This 12 hour course is available to all and is free.
Giving to the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity
The generosity of friends of the Center inspires us and has allowed our Center to make major contributions to dyslexia.
YCDC Research
A new study examined white matter development trajectories in children with dysfluent reading (20 dysfluent and inaccurate readers, 36 dysfluent and accurate readers) compared to non-impaired readers (n=14) over 18 months.
Our mission is to illuminate the creative and intellectual strengths of those with dyslexia, to disseminate the latest scientific research and practical resources, and to transform the treatment of all dyslexic children and adults.
LEARN MORESuccessful Dyslexics
See more Successful Dyslexics
John Hickenlooper, Former Governor of Colorado
If Coloradans wanted the kind of governor they could have a beer with, they elected him. In fact, many had already knocked down a few with three-term governor John Hickenlooper, who was a brewpub owner before he became mayor of Denver at age 50. Even his tongue twister of a name didn’t stop his unlikely ascent up the political ladder.
Dyslexia and Bullying
Drs. Sally and Bennett Shaywitz discuss the link between dyslexia and bullying.
Talking About Dyslexia Guide
Help dispel misconceptions and ensure all dyslexic individuals have the support they need to succeed.
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Tips From Students
Strategies we compiled from the real experts – dyslexic kids with papers due, tests next week and books to read.