Giving to the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity

The generosity of friends of the Center inspires us and has allowed our Center to make major contributions to dyslexia — including that dyslexia is unexpected, that is, you can be dyslexic and extremely intelligent; it affects girls as well as boys; and it is extremely common, affecting one in five.

Most recently, thanks to the support of our loyal donors, we discovered that the achievement gap in reading between typical and dyslexic readers is evident as early as first grade, leading to our development of a reliable, inexpensive screener for dyslexia.

Your donations provide the fuel that drives the scientific engine of our dyslexia research and ultimately benefits the children and adults who are dyslexic. As many of you know and have experienced personally, our major goal is to ensure that all our research and knowledge is acted upon to improve the lives of dyslexic children.

For more information about making a gift, please contact Carmel Lepore (, (203) 785-4641 or Sally Shaywitz, MD (

You can also mail your donation directly to the Center:

The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity
129 York Street, Suite 1P
New Haven, CT 06511

Thank you for your support of this work!

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