Interventions Defined
Research-based interventions have theoretic support and often serve as the basis for generating hypotheses that are then tested by clinical trials to determine if the specific treatment is, indeed, effective.
Evidence-based interventions are those that have been examined in actual clinical trials, the most rigorous being a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial comparing an intervention to a different intervention or to a current intervention. Such a clinical trial provides proof or “evidence” of the effectiveness of an intervention, hence, an evidence-based intervention.
Ideally, the reading instruction provided to the dyslexic child should be evidence-based, systematic and delivered in a small group setting. Phonemic awareness and phonics should be taught explicitly. Learning should be active, with frequent teacher-child interactions. And the program should include many opportunities to practice reading, to develop fluency, to build vocabulary, to develop comprehension strategies, to write and to listen and talk about stories.
In first through third grades, as child’s reading progress should be assessed at least three times during the school year to monitor growth, and more often if there are indications of a failure to progress.