At the Forefront of Decoding Dyslexia
By Noah Asimow, The Vineyard Gazette
August 8, 2019
Drs. Sally and Bennet Shaywitz are excellent at reading rooms. It’s generally the rest of the room that has trouble reading.
The couple, both proud summer Vineyarders and even prouder grandparents to their gaggle of grandchildren, run the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity. For the past 35 years, they have devoted the majority of their professional careers to decoding the little-understood reading disorder that afflicts millions of people worldwide. It’s how they’ve met famous lawyers, doctors, politicians, journalists, actors, Saudi princesses — and still to this day, more than 50 Yale students every year who come to their Jack-and-Jill adjoining offices in New Haven. Every one of them is perfectly intelligent; every one of them struggles to read.
It’s the dichotomy that has defined their lives.

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Who will be the first civilian in space? A dyslexic of course—Sir Richard Branson. On Sunday, Sir Richard …
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