Kids With Dyslexia To Get More Educational Support
By Katie Orr (Capitol Public Radio)
Thursday, November 19, 2015 | Sacramento, CA
YCDC co-director Sally Shaywitz, M.D., was quoted in the local NPR piece about a new California state law that requires schools to take phonological processing ability into account when evaluating a child for special education. Supporters hope that this law will help identify children with dyslexia earlier and more easily. “Dr. Sally Shaywitz thinks the law is a step in the right direction. She co-directs the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity. Shaywitz says early intervention is critical to treating dyslexia. So is overcoming the idea that people who have dyslexia aren’t smart. ‘Part of the definition of dyslexia is that it is an unexpected difficulty in readying,’ she says. ‘Unexpected meaning it occurs in people who are quite intelligent.'”

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