Remembering Annie Glenn
A Hero Passes Away
We mourn a true American hero who has just passed away at age 100. Annie Glenn, the wife of John Glenn, the astronaut and senator, was a hero in her own right who became a champion for people with speech and communication disorders. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association created an award in her honor, known as the Annie, presented annually to someone who demonstrates, as the organization puts it, her “invincible spirit in building awareness on behalf of those with communications disorders.”
Our co-directors, Sally and Bennett Shawitz, met Mrs. Glenn when they were honored with this award for their ground-breaking work in illuminating the science of dyslexia. They are very proud to look at their awards which brings with it such strong memories of sharing Mrs. Glenn’s commitment to bringing understanding and awareness of people who may have spoken language or reading difficulties.
The Drs. Shaywitz are continuing to make sure such individuals are not pariahs or mistakenly thought to be less intelligent when they are often incredibly intelligent and empathetic.


Congressional Dyslexia Roundtable
Excited, we have unusually positive news to share about science, dyslexia and legislation. Far too often there is …
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Much of this new scientific understanding of dyslexia has emerged from a longitudinal study, the Connecticut Longitudinal Study …
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A very exciting announcement that positively impacts children with dyslexia, their parents and their teachers is the Dyslexia …
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Who will be the first civilian in space? A dyslexic of course—Sir Richard Branson. On Sunday, Sir Richard …
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