Brothers In New York Advocate for Change

A mother writes: “My 12-year-old son, A.K., took the initiative to raise funds for the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity. I wanted to let you know that you will be receiving those funds directly from Eisner Camp, a reform Jewish sleep-away camp in Great Barrington, MA. The link below describes the program through which A, his brother D, and their friends raised funds for your Center at their camp. The amount shown in the link below may grow as staff at the camp have the opportunity to make matching contributions. Included in the link is a 2-minute video further explaining these fundraising activities and, at 58 seconds into the video, you can see a poster that A and his friends created with your Center’s logo, spreading awareness of the important work that you do.”
“A is a rising 7th grader at Rye Country Day School and an alumnus of the Windward School (grades 3-5). D (age 10) is a rising 5th grader at Rye Country Day School and an alumnus of the Windward School (grades 1-4). A and D are very committed to dyslexia advocacy, and they would like to offer their help to you in your work. A also has the opportunity in the upcoming school year to do a “service learning project” at Rye Country Day that would raise awareness and raise funds for an important cause. He is interested in doing a project on dyslexia advocacy and would welcome your input on how to maximize the impact of his efforts.”

Support From A High Profile Dyslexic
California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom has been outspoken about his dyslexia and often takes time to meet with …
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Older Kids Making A Difference
Often, older children feel especially grateful to the work of YCDC in illuminating their dyslexia. Above, B, now …
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A Birthday Surprise for the Center
We recently received a lovely note from a parent whose child is dyslexic. Instead of asking for birthday …
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Baking For Change
One young student even baked homemade “Twinkies” and sold them online, on his own, to raise money for …
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