Dyslexia Supporters Come to Hartford
A Message from YCDC Co-Directors Drs. Sally & Bennett Shaywitz
March 2015

Shown here: Amanda Dawley, Nicholas Dawley and Dr. Sally Shaywitz.
YCDC Co-Director testifies before the CT State Legislature Committee on Education
on a proposed bill: An Act Concerning Students with Dyslexia.
Dr. Sally Shaywitz testified on a proposed Connecticut legislative bill to help students with dyslexia. Nicholas Dawley, a 4th grade student at Mohegan Elementary School, and his mother Amanda Dawley came to support dyslexia at the hearing and waited to express their thanks for Dr. Shaywitz’ work and support of students who are dyslexic.
Giving to the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity
The generosity of friends of the Center inspires us and has allowed our Center to make major contributions …
Read MoreDyslexia and Bullying
Bullying intersects with dyslexia particularly in school settings where far too often dyslexia is not identified, the word, dyslexia, not used, and the associated symptoms not addressed.
Read More2016: An Extraordinary Year
This past year was truly extraordinary for all those who care deeply about helping dyslexic boys and girls, men and women get the support they need to reach their full potential. At the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity, our focus has always been on translating scientific knowledge into action. In 2016 that approach paid off in powerful ways from the…
Read MoreRemembering Matthew Badger
It is with profound sadness we share with you the passing of Matthew Badger, a great champion for all who are dyslexic or care for children with dyslexia. Although you may have heard of Matthew from reading about him in newspapers, we were fortunate to get to know him on a more personal level through a mutual friend, Beth Ravelli…
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