Stories from Parents

Mother Worry: Academic Support Away from Home
I think it is safe to say that parents of dyslexics worry about their children more than most. There is good reason for this: dyslexic children spend most of their early school dealing with a lot of failure and struggle.
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Like all children, dyslexics breathe a sigh of relief when summer begins: no more schoolwork, homework, or assigned books.
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Navigating School with a Dyslexic Child: One Mom’s Story
It is often said that behind every successful dyslexic is an invested and persistent mother (or parent).
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Confessions of a Parent of Two Dyslexics
I am the last person anyone would go to for information about dyslexia.
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The Best Things I Did for My Dyslexic Child
My son has dyslexia. He is now 41 and a successful lawyer, but getting through school, and his academic frustrations, was a challenge we all learned from.
Read MoreA Home Schooling Experience
Dr. Shaywitz’s book, Overcoming Dyslexia, has been a wonderful resource ever since my son was diagnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia when he had just turned five years old.
Read MoreThe Dyslexia Diagnosis
At a faculty meeting that I will never forget, Lucinda Lee Katz, the head of our school, once explained that one of the most significant challenges parents face is moving from the idealized version of their child, to the real.
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